Home News Teacher’s Day Celebration @CPU

Teacher’s Day Celebration @CPU

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Teacher’s Day Celebration In Career Point University, Kota

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.”

― Albert Einstein

The teacher (Guru) has always been treated next to god in Indian mythology. A teacher is the highest contributor to making us better humans. A teacher is a key person in our life who helps us grow mentally and socially. If it has not been for teachers, brilliance would have been just a word. It is a teacher who guides us and helps us nurture our talent. Teachers undoubtedly deserve our respect every single day of the year for making us a better version of ourselves.

Becoming a teacher requires strong conviction and utmost commitment. Teachers’ Day is celebrated to acknowledge the indispensable role of a teacher in guiding and preparing the students to not only chase their passion in the choicest field but also achieve their dreams by keeping their moral values and sense of social responsibility intact. On 5th September, on the occasion of the birthday of former President  SarvepalliRadhakrishnan, the students of Career Point University showed their gratitude for the contribution of teachers in making them better humans each day and expressed their respect and love for teachers

Many cultural programs were organized by the students of different schools of Career Point University for the teachers on this day. . The whole campus was buzzing with excitement and enthusiasm. Students organize various performances to entertain their teachers. Dance performances, songs are sung, and plays are performed, among other interesting activities. Teachers and students also indulge in games and other fun activities.

Teachers’ Day is certainly the day that offers a respite from the mundane school routine and allows indulging in light, joyful activities. It is a great time to strengthen the student-teacher bond.

The efforts of the students were appreciated by all the teachers and we are thankful to our students for giving us beautiful memories to carry along until the next year.

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