CPUEST for B.Tech

Student Life At CPU 2023-24

S. No.Name of ActivityActivity Reports
1Khelotsav’24Click Here
2RIETSSL-2024Click Here
3RedHat Linux WorkshopClick Here
4Even Semester Commencement MeetClick Here
5Music Club – Yaade 24Click Here
6Folk Fiesta 2024″ Inter House Dance CompetitionClick Here
7Cancer Awareness ProgramClick Here
8Entrepreneurship Awareness ProgrammeClick Here
975th Republic DayClick Here
10Hindi Samiti Club on “Just a Minute” Public Speaking ActivityClick Here
11Legal Awareness CampClick Here
12SOAH – National SeminarClick Here
13Plantation activityClick Here
14English Debate and Literature ClubClick Here
15Bhagwat Karad minister session on National Voter’s DayClick Here
16Art ExhibitionClick Here
17Expert talk on “Entrepreneurship as per Cosmetic Industry Standards” :Click Here
18Geographical SurveyClick Here
19Seminar on Journey to RDC by NCC Under Officer Mr. Piyush RaoClick Here
20Awareness programme on Digital Literacy and Technology EducationClick Here
21Kisaan SangoshtiClick Here
22Joint Celebration of Worlds of Forestry, Water & Meteorological DayClick Here
23Unnat Bharat Abhiyan SurveyClick Here
24Sociological SurveyClick Here
25Pharmacy International ConferenceClick Here
26Blood Donation CampClick Here
27Legal Awareness – Court procedure under Motor Vehicle Act 2019Click Here
28Alumni MeetClick Here
29Ecology Club – Waste to WealthClick Here
30NCC – Blood Donation CampClick Here
31NCC – Student Talk on RadioClick Here
32NCC – Rank Promotion in Career Point University of NCC 14 Raj BN cadetsClick Here
33NCC RDC Camp ActivityClick Here
34Water Pot ActivityClick Here
35Creative Photography WorkshopClick Here
36Women’s Day Celebration 2024Click Here
37किसान गोष्टी – “फसल चक्र एवं उसका महत्व”Click Here
38Radio Talk Chaupal Titled रबी फसलो मे पोषक तत्वों की कमी के लक्षण एवं उनका प्रबंधन, on All India Radio (102.0 MHz)Click Here
39Mother’s Day CelebrationClick Here
40“किसान संघोष्ठी एवं कृषक विज्ञानिक संवाद”Click Here
41Rajasthan Day CelebrationClick Here
42Education of Girl ChildClick Here
43Awareness Drive on Voters DayClick Here
44Cleaning Drive at Chandreholi River, AlaniyaClick Here
45Farewell PartyClick Here
46World Physiotherapy Day.Click Here
47‘Indian Cinema Magic’ – Club Activity by DnD & Music ClubClick Here
48Startup WorkshopClick Here
49Induction ProgramClick Here
50Technovation 2023Click Here
51ED Cell – Tech SessionClick Here
52“Decoding Startups” Activity by Pioneer IncubatorClick Here
53Orientation Session 2023Click Here
54Rastriya Ekta Diwas, NSS Club activityClick Here
55Commencement MeetClick Here
56CPU’s Ecology and Environment Club( waste land development activity. )Click Here
57CSE Workshop – “Prompt Engineering, Google Dorks, Blogging, and Cyber Crime Frauds.”Click Here
58Agricultural VisitClick Here
59Career Accelerator Program LaunchClick Here
60Independence Day CelebrationClick Here
61Indian Air Force WorkshopClick Here
62Expert Talk on ‘Tax Optimisation’Click Here
63Fine Art Club – Diwali ActivityClick Here
64Dance & Drama Club ActivityClick Here
65Career Awareness ProgramClick Here
66Moot Court ActivityClick Here
67Expert Lecture – PharmacyClick Here
68Workshop on Spinal & Joint ManipulationClick Here
69Management Activity – Best Manager CompetitionClick Here
70IIT Roorkee Cultural Fest VisitClick Here
71Freshers PartyClick Here
72Agriculture Activity – Weed IdentificationClick Here
73Hindi Samiti – Kavya PaathClick Here
74Hindi Samiti – Kavya UtsavClick Here
75SOAH – Historical TourClick Here
76Dengue Awareness Program in rural Areas by NSS club-Click Here
77Tree Plantation Drive by NSS Volunteers in Rural Area near Alania, KotaClick Here
78Expert lecture on beekeeping and their importance in sustainable agriculture productionClick Here
79Kisan Gosthi activity on “कृषि रसायनों के हानिकारक प्रभाव एवं उनका निवारण”Click Here
80National Seminar conducted by the school of Arts & Humanities in association with IIHSG, New Delhi on the topic “Movies – Mirror of Politics”.Click Here
81Creative Graphic Design WorkshopClick Here
82Blood Donation Camp – NCCClick Here
83Literacy DayClick Here
84Swachta Abhiyaan in VillageClick Here
85PlantationClick Here
86Kisan Gosthi on ” जल संचयन की उपयोगिता एवं विधियाँ “Click Here
87Parthenium Eradication weekClick Here
88Deepawali CelebrationClick Here
89Ganesh Chaturthi CelebrationClick Here
90JanmashatamiClick Here
91Navratri CelebrationClick Here
92Webinar on Data FlairClick Here
93One Student One Plant by NSSClick Here
94World Environment Day Awareness CampaignClick Here
95Business Megamind Quiz CompetitionClick Here
96Intra Moot Court CompetitionClick Here
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