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Faculty Development Program

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Faculty Development

The IQAC, Career Point University, Kota organized the 6 Days Faculty Development Programme (FDP) from 15th June to 21st June, 2022. The inaugural ceremony was initiated with the lamp lightening and witnessed by Hon’ble Vice- Chancellor, Hon’ble Pro-Vice Chancellor, Respected Registrar and respected dignitaries. The keynote speakers were welcomed and felicitated with the token of gratitude & appreciation from the respected dignitaries.

Dr. Anil Kumar Jain gave his expert talk on the topic “Pedagogical techniques, Teacher Training, Assessing learning, Student Engagement Skills”. He provided great knowledge about the National EDUCATION POLICY 2020. Education is fundamental for achieving full human potential, developing an equitable and just society, and promoting national development. Providing universal access to quality education is the key to India’s continued ascent, and leadership on  the global stage in terms of economic growth, social justice and equality, scientific advancement, national integration, and cultural preservation Also he informed about the various degree programmes and teaching education programs. He advised about the MODERNISATION in the Education System and also the necessities of the today’s era students.The gap between the current state of learning outcomes and what is required must be bridged through undertaking major reforms that bring the highest quality, equity, and integrity into the system, from early childhood care and education through higher education.  He also mentioned about the today’s learner and the nature with the use of digitalization in a significant manner.

Ms Meenal Vasal, the Vice-President of Gurukul deliver a session on “WORK LIFE BALNCE”. She provided the basic comprehension about the skills of keeping the balance in the work area and the personal life. She also expertized the faculties with group learning about the team work skills and inter-personnel development with practical activities. She emphasized about the significance to keep equilibrium in work life to enhance the productiveness in the tasks. She explained that Work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy work environment. Maintaining work-life balance helps reduce stress and helps prevent burnout in the workplace.Work-life balance helps maintain mental health. Having a healthy work-life balance means that employees will be happier when they come to work. She told that Work life balance concept was positively associated with job and life satisfaction.


Dr. Pushpendra Yaduvanshi, HOD, Dept. of Physiotherapy, Career Point University, Kota, made the faculties learn about the work environment and effects of it on the productivity of the person. He gave the knowledge about the serious health problems which occurred due to the poor ergonomics and poor work environment like Cervical pain, Low back Pain, Vision problems, etc. Along with this he also provided the guidance with practical session of basic and simple exercises which might helpful for the elimination of work related musculoskeletal health problems and improve the productivity. Dr. Yaduvanshi also elaborated the benefits and uses of good posture and its significance for health. He educated the postural awareness techniques to all the faculty members and asked them to rectify the bad posture if anyone facing it into a good and proper posture. He also told about the simple techniques about the postural muscle uses and their recruitment tact’s during any activity.


Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Mishra, RTU, Kota discuss with all the faculty members about the importance of Research Methodology in today’s times. He explained very well about the formats of Research work and ethics which involves the application of fundamental ethical principles to research activities which include the design and implementation of research, respect towards society and others, the use of resources and research outputs, scientific misconduct and the regulation of research. He in turn also explained about the importance and methods of ANALYSIS IN RESEARCH. He mentioned and shared the information the about authorized institutions of research. With that he also comprehended the Hypothesis Testing and its significance in Research.Hypothesis testing provides a reliable framework for making any data decisions for your population of interest. It helps the researcher to successfully extrapolate data from the sample to the larger population. He explained the statistical formats in the graphical presentation which applied in the research work.

Dr. Dinesh Goyal, Director Poornima Institute, Jaipur took the expert talk on


He discussed about the Fundamental Rights and its utmost significance in the Research area. He talked about the Patent Grants and its necessities in today’s times.He also put light on the Research Funding and Grants, about the agencies (Governmental/ Non-governmental). These Funding agencies are Govt. or Non-govt. body providing monitory grants for scientific research Areas-Science and Technology, Social sciences, etc. In India various funding agencies are available which provide grants for a research in a various field. The traditional measurement for efficiency of funding are publication output, citation impact, number of patents, number of PhDs awarded etc.

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