Home Ecology & Environment Wildlife Week Celebration’22 @ CPU

Wildlife Week Celebration’22 @ CPU

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Wildlife Week Celebration’22

(“Saving Endangered Keystone Species; A Key to Ecosystem Restoration”)

Date: 7 & 8 October 2022 

7th October 2022:- 

Wildlife Week is annually celebrated across India between the 2nd to 8th of October with an aim to protect and preserve the flora and fauna of India.

School of Basic and Applied Sciences Career Point University Kota organized Wildlife Week 22 based on the theme “Saving Endangered Keystone Species; A Key to Ecosystem Restoration” on Friday, 7th October 2022. This event aimed to focus on the students learning about biodiversity and its conservation in their locality.

In this event following activities were performed by the students related to the theme:

1.      Painting and Drawing competition 

2.      Slogan Writing Competition

3.      Live Photography Competition

Students of various Departments along with the Life Sciences have participated in the competition. 

Winners of the competitions were:

  1. Kajal Vedwal – Painting and drawing competition
  2. Garima Gwala – Slogan Writing Competition
  3. Praveen Meena – Live Photography Competition

8th October 2022 :- 

The School of Basic and Applied sciences visited “Sorsan Wildlife Sanctuary, Bara, Rajasthan” on 8th October to educate students regarding conservation of Flora and Fauna. Total of 45 students with 5 faculty members visited the sanctuary. Students actively participated in the activities like live Photography of the behavior of animals, Plants etc. observed in the different areas of the visited place. Dr. Aman Sharma, Ms.Surabhi Chittora, Dr. Anita Singh and Dr. Meenakshi Thakur faculty of Zoology and Botany educated the students about the diversity of various species of plants and animals in the sanctuary with the help of Forest Officers.

Wildlife Conservation is significant with a view to preserve the Fauna and Flora of Earth. It is essential to know about the biodiversity that exists in our locality.

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