Home Our Campus Experiences Successful Web Development Workshop at Careerpoint University

Successful Web Development Workshop at Careerpoint University

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Successful Web Development Workshop

Career Point University’s Department of Computer Science and Engineering recently conducted a two-day workshop on “Web Development” on March 1st and 2nd, 2024, at CPU, Kota.

Day 1 Highlights:

  • The workshop commenced with an overview of the web development landscape, covering key concepts such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

  • Participants were introduced to the fundamentals of web design and development, laying a strong foundation for the days ahead.

  • Hands-on coding sessions allowed participants to create a basic web page, guided by experienced mentors.

  • Attendees gained confidence in structuring web content and styling it according to their preferences through practical coding exercises.

Day 2 Highlights:

  • The workshop delved further into the combination of JavaScript and MongoDB.

  • A deep dive into MongoDB provided insights into NoSQL databases, emphasizing flexibility and scalability.

  • Hands-on exercises during the session offered a practical understanding and application of MongoDB.

Overall Success:

  • The workshop’s success is attributed to the hard work and commitment of both the organizing team and the participants.

  • The collaborative learning environment facilitated active participation and community building.

In conclusion, the workshop provided valuable insights into web development, combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience. The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Career Point University remains dedicated to nurturing talent and fostering practical skills for future success.

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