Home Fine Art Saturday Activities & Sports Activity @CPU

Saturday Activities & Sports Activity @CPU

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Saturday Activities Sports Activity

Saturday has its own Colour of Enjoyment at Career Point University.

This Beautiful Day began with the cleanliness activity of the NSS Club in which students from all the houses worked together for the Cleanliness of the University.

Then, this day moved towards Sports with the Event “PRATISPARDHA”. Trials were held for the Selection of Inter-House Competitions. In the Outdoor games, there were Cricket, Volleyball, Basketball, Kabaddi, and Kho-Kho for the Students of Aravali , Vindhyanchal , Karakoram , Nilgiri , Shivalik respectively , Whereas Indoor games included Chess , Carrom , Badminton , Table tennis for Aravali , Vindhyanchal , karakoram , Nilgiri respectively.

Moving further, There was a Sketching Competition with the theme of Caricature.

Then , the Inter-House Hindi Debate competition was held as the Event “Vad-Vivid Pratiyogita”.

After this, Mike falls into the Hands of Music Club. They organized Antakshri Competition by making 6-membered two teams, whereas Some students of the Music Club performed Solo performances on the Stage.

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